Backed by a management team with a distinguished record of customer focus, our people are encouraged to work independently and creatively, alongside their clients, to craft the best solutions to their environmental needs.
David Jackson
Principal Hydrogeologist
EIANZ Certified Environmental Practitioner - Site Contamination Specialist (SC40989)
David is a strong believer in collaboration. Through implementing this principal, David has formed and continues to create strong relationships with local and global technology providers to ensure our clients receive pragmatic and fit for purpose solutions.
Dean Stafford
Principal Environmental Scientist
Dean has over 20 years experience and has extensive experience working on contaminated site investigations as well as the design, installation, maintenance and monitoring of remediation systems.
Dean strives to provide long-lasting benefits by successfully and cost effectively remediating complex contaminated soil, groundwater and soil vapour at a wide range of industrial, commercial and residential sites involving solvents, hydrocarbons, heavy metals, asbestos and PFAS.
Lee Douglass
Principal Environmental Scientist
EIANZ Certified Environmental Practitioner - Site Contamination Specialist (SC40974)
Lee has over 20 years experience as a hydrogeologist, having worked on numerous bore water supply projects, groundwater supply/resource assessments, dewatering and groundwater impact assessments for a diverse range of industry sectors.
Together with a strong understanding of complex contamination issues and remediation technologies, Lee has successfully delivered contamination assessment and remediation across large site portfolios.
Greg Bartlett
Principal Environmental Scientist
EIANZ Certified Environmental Site Practitioner (No. 1605).
Greg has over 20 years’ experience within the fields of contaminated land, waste and civil/environmental remediation.
Greg has been involved in projects of varying complexity including landfills, State Significant Development (Rail), Threatened Species Conservation (Wetland Rehabilitation), offshore remediation works (West Atlas Oil Rig) and emerging contaminants such as PFAS (Qantas and waste management facilities). Project work has been completed for a diverse range of industry sectors including Property Developers, Government Agencies, Oil & Petrochemical, Manufacturing, Construction and Local Councils.
Toby Scrivener
Principal Environmental Engineer
EIANZ Certified Environmental Practitioner - Site Contamination Specialist (SC41141)
Toby is a Principal Environmental Engineer with over 20 years’ experience in contaminated site investigation, remediation and auditing. Toby has been involved in the design and implementation of contaminated site investigations and remedial programs for large scale oil and gas sites, state and local government, industry, landfill and development sites. Toby has been part of the expert support team and audit assistant on contaminated land audits in WA, NSW, ACT, and QLD. Toby has significant experience in the investigation and characterisation of PFAS impacted sites across NSW and the subsequent development of site improvement/management plans.
Ashley Barber
Principal Environmental Engineer
EIANZ Certified Environmental Practitioner - Site Contamination Specialist (SC41202)
Ashley has over 15 years’ professional experience consulting to real estate investment funds, financial institutions, property developers, civil contractors and government departments on diverse variety of projects throughout Australia.
His capabilities in environmental property due diligence, site assessment, construction environmental management, remediation expenditure forecasting and waste optimisation frequently recognise tangible benefits to the client through risk management, controlling costs and facilitating regulatory approvals.
Natasha Pasley
Senior Environmental Scientist
Natasha is a Senior Environmental Scientist with 10 years’ experience in both the contaminated land industry and mining industry. Whilst working in contaminated land consulting, Natasha has been routinely involved in a variety of projects associated with environmental investigations, assessment of contaminated sites, hydrogeological assessments and contaminated site remediation including the preparation of Remedial Action Plans, Environmental Management Plans and Validation Reporting. Natasha has a particular interest in hydrogeology.
Mathew Burcher
Senior Environmental Scientist
EIANZ Certified Environmental Site Practitioner (No. 1296).
Mathew Burcher has over 10 years’ consulting experience, providing environmental advice in relation to soil, groundwater contamination issues, environmental auditing and hazardous materials. Mathew has been routinely involved in the development, implementation and management of preliminary and detailed site investigations, auditing of large scale and complex construction projects for environmental/safety compliance, remediation and validation of contaminated sites across regional and metropolitan NSW including the preparation of Remedial Action Plans and Environmental Management Plans.
Robert Cameron
Senior Environmental Scientist
Rob has over 7 years’ experience consulting in the contaminated land and land development sector. He has a strong practical background, having conducted and managed numerous environmental site assessments and investigations, including preliminary and detail site investigations, waste disposal categorisation, and remediation and validation works. He has worked on projects pertaining to soil, groundwater, soil vapour, and ambient/indoor air contamination issues and enjoys working collaboratively at all project levels to provide sound environmental outcomes.
Rob's area of interest and postgraduate studies are in groundwater hydrology.
Jack Palma
Senior Environmental Scientist
Jack has over five years’ experience in both industry and state based environmental site assessments and remediation projects in both NSW and ACT.
His field experience has provided him with a broad understanding of various soil and groundwater applications and the associated field procedures.
Jack specialises in historical studies, desktop surveys, sample design, soil and groundwater sampling, data interpretation and reporting.
Renee Ashton
Senior Environmental Scientist
Renee is an environmental scientist and marine biologist with over 4.5 years’ experience consulting in the contaminated land industry. She has experience in contaminated site investigation, remediation and has been Auditor Assistant to a NSW EPA accredited site Auditor for over 4.5 years. She has undertaken and managed numerous environmental site assessments and investigations; including preliminary and detailed site investigations, waste classification, remediation and validation works, preparation of environmental management plans, dewatering management plans, and site audit reports and statements. Renee has experience in contaminated site investigations as both the project manager and lead field scientist.
Renee has been involved in a range of projects from the planning stage to auditing and ongoing monitoring. She has worked with a range of clients and stakeholders including local council, government, defence, planners and architects, construction and developers.
Ross Kingswell
Environmental Scientist
Throughout Ross' experience in the industry he has been involved in a number of different environmental investigations, these include contamination assessments and remediation works for both groundwater and soil. Ross has assisted in data extraction and correlation on a wide variety of geotechnical and environmental projects, allowing for efficient desktop site assessments.
Ross has assisted senior environmental and geotechnical engineers to ensure that projects run to schedule while retaining quality work practices.
Kyle Sier
Environmental Scientist
Kyle has over two years experience in the contaminated land industry and has been involved in both field and desktop works.
Key projects to date have included the assessment of legacy landfill, monitoring and remediation of galvanising plants nationally and PFAS investigation of Rural Fire Service sites.
Kyle has particular interest in Detailed Site Investigations and Remedial Action Plans, with specific focus on geospatial and volumetric waste assessment providing cost estimate to commercial clients.
Tiarni Wiersma
Graduate Environmental Scientist
Since Tiarni’s commencement at Reditus, she has enthusiastically been involved in numerous environmental investigations including field and desktop works. Her passionate approach to field work ensures the collection of data is undertaken with correct sampling techniques while also committing to safe practices. Tiarni has assisted with projects including but not limited to groundwater monitoring, soil sampling and soil vapour monitoring. Additionally, she has partaken in the reporting phase of investigations, using data analysis skills to generate environmental figures and data tables.
Mia Schaeper
Graduate Environmental Scientist
Commencing her career with Reditus consulting, Mia has gained experience in environmental investigations, contamination assessment, waste classifications and management plans across a range of mediums including soil, surface water, groundwater and soil gas.
Mia has been involved in the design stage of projects, conducting desktop searches and selecting appropriate sampling locations based on available information. Additionally, competency has been gained in using GIS software to formulate figures, mapping components such as site layout, groundwater flow and fill soils. Desktop work also includes understanding and appropriating large data sets, to determine management strategies.
Through practice in both field and desktop works, Mia has gained a rounded understanding of the scope of projects with a proficient grasp of contaminant issues and the effects they have on both the public health and ecological receptors.
Hassan Elbatoory
Graduate Environmental Scientist
Upon commencing his career at Reditus, Hassan has actively engaged in both fieldwork and desktop analyses, contributing to a variety of environmental investigations including groundwater monitoring, hydrogeological surveys, soil vapour monitoring, dewatering projects and PFAS investigations. He demonstrates the use of correct sampling techniques during field work to ensure the results produce the most accurate outcomes. He has also been involved in the factual reporting of preliminary and detailed site investigations. Hassan has gained a range of skills spanning from spatial data analysis using GIS software, as well as data interpretation and reporting as part of his role.